Sunday, August 26, 2012

I Remember By Ashley Wells

I remember a time in youth
Brother&Sister, Frienimies.Torturment Always
Fighting,arguing...., - oh those were the days.
I remember, together as kids&teens
The fighting and arguing and all in between
The laughing and joking till tears filled my eyes
the day you left the earth.
I remember those times each day I wake
Not understanding God's choice in who to take
A brother, a father a good man to all.
I remember our last time together
Sitting and talking And playing the Wii well into the night
I remember you asking, ' Are you Shrek? '
Looking at you, I Say "No" And throw a nearby item at you.
I remember them saying You Were gone, And thats when everything
went down hill from there. even tho within our fights, we both know
that we loved each other, no matter how much we tried killing each other.
I remember that night in February
The phone call we've all come to fear
When i found out you were in a crash
i crossed my fingers, hoping that u wernt hurt at all.
I remember the words from the Coroner "It Is him. I'm sorry"
Kayleigh And my mom fell to the ground crying even more.
yet, some of us were strong enough to stay standing, but
still crying so much, that there wasn't enough liquid
to keep on going.
we all stopped, and walked/drove home. and thats when everything
got harder.we had to bare living next to Ur home. we had to bare
making arrangements for Ur funeral, and most of all the hardest thing
there was, was to believe u were gone. I still don't Believe it.
your fiancee, is waiting for u just to walk through the door and hug her
i am waiting for u to throw something at me, mom&dad are waiting for you
to ask for something. but these things will never happen again.
i miss those days....but we all have to be strong! they say
it will get easier each and every day, but it seems to be getting
harder for me.
I remember you brother always so strong
I pray every day, I hope you forgive me
I thought I could help you in a time of need
but i think it is good, none of us were there soon enough to get to u,
things could have been worse, if we had seen ur body during the scene.
even if we were there soon enough, there would be nothing we could do
for u have died on Impact.
I am grateful u did not suffer.
i am grateful that you had a family.
but , I am disappointed that none of us got to say goodbye.
In loving memory of my brother Cody Matthew Vaughn, Rest IN Peace.
'. 02-16-(idk the year he was born) to 02-06-2011
When you died, a part of my soul died with you

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