Sunday, August 26, 2012

I Remember By Ashley Wells

I remember a time in youth
Brother&Sister, Frienimies.Torturment Always
Fighting,arguing...., - oh those were the days.
I remember, together as kids&teens
The fighting and arguing and all in between
The laughing and joking till tears filled my eyes
the day you left the earth.
I remember those times each day I wake
Not understanding God's choice in who to take
A brother, a father a good man to all.
I remember our last time together
Sitting and talking And playing the Wii well into the night
I remember you asking, ' Are you Shrek? '
Looking at you, I Say "No" And throw a nearby item at you.
I remember them saying You Were gone, And thats when everything
went down hill from there. even tho within our fights, we both know
that we loved each other, no matter how much we tried killing each other.
I remember that night in February
The phone call we've all come to fear
When i found out you were in a crash
i crossed my fingers, hoping that u wernt hurt at all.
I remember the words from the Coroner "It Is him. I'm sorry"
Kayleigh And my mom fell to the ground crying even more.
yet, some of us were strong enough to stay standing, but
still crying so much, that there wasn't enough liquid
to keep on going.
we all stopped, and walked/drove home. and thats when everything
got harder.we had to bare living next to Ur home. we had to bare
making arrangements for Ur funeral, and most of all the hardest thing
there was, was to believe u were gone. I still don't Believe it.
your fiancee, is waiting for u just to walk through the door and hug her
i am waiting for u to throw something at me, mom&dad are waiting for you
to ask for something. but these things will never happen again.
i miss those days....but we all have to be strong! they say
it will get easier each and every day, but it seems to be getting
harder for me.
I remember you brother always so strong
I pray every day, I hope you forgive me
I thought I could help you in a time of need
but i think it is good, none of us were there soon enough to get to u,
things could have been worse, if we had seen ur body during the scene.
even if we were there soon enough, there would be nothing we could do
for u have died on Impact.
I am grateful u did not suffer.
i am grateful that you had a family.
but , I am disappointed that none of us got to say goodbye.
In loving memory of my brother Cody Matthew Vaughn, Rest IN Peace.
'. 02-16-(idk the year he was born) to 02-06-2011
When you died, a part of my soul died with you

Here I Am Poem

Home, Home, Here I Am
after all these months,
these rooms fill me with pain
for my brother, is not here.
the creek in the backyard,
all dried up
i uncover the truth,
my brother is gone,
gone to heaven,
forever alone.
here i am,
with all that pain,
my heart cracks in two,
as i fall to the ground,
the couche i lay next to,
laughs at me,
with evil style,
winking at m

Drunk Driving Report/Speech May 19 2012

Drunk driving seems to be an issue throughout the United States. Although many Americans seem to be against it they don’t seem to do much about it.

Of all the traffic fatalities in a single year, 41% are a result from drinking and driving. In 1999, approximately 2.2 million crashes in the United States involved alcohol. At this rate nearly 17,000 people will die from alcohol-related crashes this year alone. But, some measures have been taken to reduce these numbers such as with the reduction in alcohol consumption and with increased publicity and enforcement of drinking-and-driving policies in the United States.
Most Americans do not see the severity of the problem and tend to look the other way when they come across a drunk driver. They tend to look at it as a normal behavior, but this is not a social norm. Drunk driving should be socially unacceptable. If more Americans would see drunk drivers as a threat then maybe something could be done about. Instead, by looking the other way, they accept this behavior as normal and make the same mistake of driving drunk as well.

            Research has shown that drivers who are on the road later at night have an increased probability of having been drinking. When a nighttime driver is involved in a crash that only involves his or her vehicle, the probability that this driver is impaired by alcohol is very high.

Could you imagine being a driver in a car that was hit by a drunk driver?
 How about if you were the drunk driver who thought that you were okay to drive but realized that it was a mistake when you crossed over into oncoming traffic and hit another vehicle head on. Then you woke up in the hospital and realized that you killed someone in that wreck.

According to Channel 14 news (14 News, 2011) There was a two vehicle head-on collision accident just after 4 p.m. on Sunday February 6th 2011. The wreck happened just outside of Uniontown Ky on Highway 360.
Several police and emergency rescue personnel had responded, they say it had taken them almost three hours to clear the scene.
Chief Ricky Millikan with the Uniontown Fire Department Emergency told 14 News that the accident was one of the worst he'd seen in his 30 years of service, because of the high amount of people that needed immediate assistance.
Kentucky State Police said the head-on collision occurred when a pick-up truck driven by 53-year-old Keith Kinglsey crossed over the center lane and collided into the path of a Mercury Cougar driven by 18-year-old Cody Vaughn.
Kingsley and his passenger, Shannon H. Smith, were ejected from their truck. KSP say neither were wearing their seatbelt. They were both airlifted to Deaconess Hospital, and were in critical condition.
Authorities say the passenger in Cody Vaughn's vehicle, 20-year-old Jacob French had to be extricated from the car. French was taken by ambulance to St. Mary's. Both he and Vaughn were wearing a seatbelt, according to KSP.
The Union County Coroner says that Cody Vaughn was pronounced dead at the scene. The cause of death was blunt force trauma.
More people that break the law and get away with it the more people will do it. If a father drives around while drinking and has his children with him then chances are the children will follow in his footsteps and think that it is ok to act and behave in such a way.
When you combine alcohol and the highway traffic system, evidence has shown that the control of drunk driving will create a significant amount of legal, political, and social conflict. The issue of drunk driving is part of the general issue of traffic safety, and the principal political force behind legislation usually embraces a variety of government bureaucracies concerned with traffic and transportation.

Many people tend to label drunk drivers as, “stupid people”, people who don’t know any better. But maybe they don’t know any better. They have lived in a society that has accepted drunk driving for so long that morally they believe it is ok. They do it, their friends do it, and even people on television do it. Alcohol companies advertise with vehicles, it is everywhere around us. Teenagers seem to think that it is “cool” and “fun.”

MAY 19 2012

My family has become a long way, we use to not care if we drink n drive if its just one drink, but now even with a sip they won't get in a car behind that wheel. We encourage you all to do the same, because of those sips a drunk driver has taken my brothers life. DONT DRINK AND DRIVE! R.I.P CMV


poem 1:

how do i make my self believe u are gone?
i never got to say goodbye
and now there is a ...blockage in myheart..
because i just lost my brother. 
my evil brother
that tortured me day and night

Poem 2:

I Still can't believe that your gone

 and that you have died and went on to heaven

I never even got to say goodbye
So many emotions I can’t hide
Oh Brother I miss you so
I feel like part of me is gone
A friend and your sister too
Somehow I must go on
Now I don’t know what to do
Full of Pain and loss
My Brother you are gone now
But when I’m sad and all alone
I will still Know you are
In my heart And you've never left my side

Poem 3: