Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Day I lost my brother. 2-6-11

I never thought this day would come, not while i was still a teenager anyways. i was sitting at home, minding my own business , watching "Buffy the Vampire slayer" on my computer. While watching this show we recieved a Phone-call,  mom is the one that notified us, we both ran outside praying to god that everything was gonna be okay, and that it wasn't as bad as they made it. but we were wrong. it was terrifying, horrible & Defestating. Me and my father stood on the porch for a good 15 minutes before my mother made it home to pick us up.

Driving down the road was the most scariest thing in the world, and it seemed that the drive took almost 2 hours, but no it was really only a 2 minute drive, rite down the road, over the hill, In Uniontown Ky. The street was 360 in uniontown. This here.. was the most horrifying thing in my life. i have never experienced something so horrible in my life, atleast not where i am old enough to have feelings and understand.

I lost my Sister before i was born, when i found out i was not old enough for feelings.. so i really dont feel any Sorrow for her death because i never knew her, and never had sisterly feelings. when i was about 3 years old i lost my Grandpa. I was still way way to young to understand. i do miss him a little but not enough to effect me seeing i never really knew him. then when i was about 7-9 years old i lost my Step-grandpa, who i had known for  like ever. but again, i was still too young to know anything, but i did breakdown badly that day, but i was fine the next day, like it never happened. and that brings us to My brother.

I was 14 Years old, i never thought i could lose my brother before i was even 40 years old. but i was wrong. There i am standing in the road with a crowd of people, standing on the  concrete completely barefooted, just looking down the road trying to get a glimpse of what was going on... trying to get a glimpse of my brother, hoping that he would walk rite out of the vehicle all perfect. but no that is not what happened.

we stood in the road for nearly 30 minutes before a coroner showed up, this is when the panic had increased, my heart was racing but i just culd not cry, that is because i was in the state of shock, i didnt know what to do, i had never been through anything like this, and i was at the age that i could understand things more, and have feelings. I stood there for a good 15 minutes just frozen in time.

before we knew it, it had been nearly 3 hours before the coroner had come to us and spoke to us. they had notified us that it was in fact, Cody Matthew Vaughn, 18 years old, almost 19, had passed away. He died from Blunt Force Trauma (I think) And it was Instantly. They notified us that he Most likely did not feel any pain at all.

When they told us that he passed away, i still could not cry.. i didnt know what to do.. i was still in the state of shock. Kayleigh, the fiancee of my brother fell to the ground screaming and crying, tearing up her cloths.. along with my mother. after a few moments everyone calmed enough to atleast stand up. i was sitting in a car just staring at the ground trying to figure out what to do. everyone ignored me. everyone else was comforting eachother while i was just sitting in the car all by myself.

After a few moments we all headed to my grandmothers that is, Me, Kayleigh, Dad, Mom and a few others anyways. everyone was trying to comfort eachother hugging and cuddling, while i sat in the floor nobody caring at all, staring dead on at the floor. but after everyone calmed my mom came and sat next to me and hugged me and talked to me, i culdn't reply, i didnt know what to say, thats when i finally started crying. when i realized everything.

they say there is many stages of realzing a death. "Denial" "Sadness" "Anger" "Regret" and possibly many more stages .

a few days later we had the funeral arranged. we all were in the morganfield funeral home. it took be a good 45 minutes before i would even go up there to see him. i had wrote a letter to him about our life and how we tortured eachother, that i wanted to be burried with him, but i just culdnt go up there, not yet. but after that dreadful 45 minutes i finally decided to go up there. my heart was racing.. but i did it. i culdnt stand up there long because i felt like i was gonna pass out, so i set it in there looked at him quickly, and walked away. 

My uncle is the one that did the singing at the funeral. i do not recall what songs they were , but i know they were good. there was gifts for many people.

Cody Matthew Vaughn is a father of  Now,  3 year old Haleigh Lyn Vaughn, and Step-father of Now, 6 Year old Faith Leighanne Vaughn. Haleigh was only 1 at the time of his death. faith was only 4 at the time of his death. it defestates me that they will not grow up with a father, especially Haleigh.

Now, i bet you all are wondering exactly what happened, who was invovled , and how it happened. am i right? Well, it happens that  the Murderer of my brother was that of Faith Vaughn's Grandmother's Boyfriend. Faith's Grandmother was also in the vehicle with the murderer. the name of the Killer was "Keith Kingsley" i do not know the name of the grandmother. Keith was Drunk, and so was the grandmother. they just had to have 1 more drink, and decide to drive. and thats when they Hit my Brothers vehicle Head-on. My Brother had his seatbelt on. No, it would not have saved him if you did not have the seatbelt on. but thanks to my brother he did save his cousin "Jacob French" by making him wear his seatbelt, because he just did not want a ticket.

Jacob did Suffer some memory loss but not alot. i do not know if he recalls the accident or not. but we do know that he did get a few things mixed up like "Fishing and hunting" . and he got the stores mixed up. But he is doing well now, and i am so glad that my brother was able to save someone, even if he culd not save his own life.

As time went by, we decided to put a DUI Billboard up near where my brother had passed away.
This billboard is a drunk-driving billboard, in hope that nobody will ever drink and drive again. on this billboard there was a picture of my brother and his daughter, and a picture of the car that he was in when he was Murdered. the board also said "Because of a drunk driver, this child will never know her father" .

This Billboard Now stands today on Highway 360, in Uniontown KY.

R.I.P C.M.V Father of 2. Brother of 3, Son of 3 , Grandson of 4, Fiance of 1.
2-16-92 to 2-6-11

Daughters: Faith & Haleigh
Sisters: Ashley, Haleigh, And idk the name of the other sister seeing its not my sister.
Father and Mother: Tonya, and a man idk the name of. and stepfather is Joe.
Grandparents: Linda,(Idk name of papa) and William R, and Step-grandston of William.
Wifetobe: Kayleigh. 

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